

There are two kinds of partials: named partials and file partials.


By the way, you can overwrite the include and includeFile functions using eta.configure. They are just functions defined on the config object: eta.config.include and eta.config.includeFile

Named partials have to be defined ahead of time as template functions. They are included using <%~ include(partialName, data) %> and work in the browser, Node, and Deno.

Eta.templates.define("mypartial", Eta.compile("PARTIAL SPEAKING"))

Eta.render('This is a partial: <%~ include("mypartial") %>', { name: "Person" })

File partials, on the other hand, do not need to be defined ahead of time. They are included using <%~ includeFile(path, data) %> and do not work in the browser. Eta looks in config.views for the templates you reference (note: it's actually a little bit more complicated, check out file-handling).

views: path.join(__dirname, views)

let template = "<%~ includeFile('./footer.eta', data) %>"

Eta.render(template, data)