
Eta vs EJS

Eta's syntax is very similar to EJS' (most templates should work with either engine), Eta has a similar API, and Eta and EJS share the same file-handling logic. Here are the differences between Eta and EJS:

  • Eta is more lightweight. Eta weighs around 2KB gzipped, while EJS is 4.4KB gzipped
  • Eta compiles and renders templates much faster than EJS. Check out these benchmarks: https://rawcdn.githack.com/eta-dev/eta/main/browser-tests/benchmark.html
  • Eta allows left whitespace control (with -), something that doesn't work in EJS because EJS uses - on the left side to indicate that the value shouldn't be escaped. Instead, Eta uses ~ to output a raw value
  • Eta gives you more flexibility with delimeters -- you could set them to {{ and }}, for example, while with EJS this isn't possible
  • Eta adds plugin support
  • Comments in Eta use /* ... */ which allows commenting around template tags and is more consistent
  • Eta parses strings correctly. Example: <%= "%>" %> works in Eta, while it breaks in EJS
  • Eta exposes Typescript types and distributes a UMD build
  • Custom tag-type prefixes. Example: you could change <%= to <%*